In a recent piece for The Sunday Times, Prof Heather McGregor, Executive Dean of the Edinburgh Business School, asked the question: “What do climate change rules mean for the little guys?” She went on to bemoan the lack of a
Proof of sustainability
I had the following question put to me recently: “As a purely digital business, how do we “prove” if you like that we are taking sustainable business and emissions seriously? How do we make sure we do business with like-minded
Product Eco Ratings
I was asked at a recent presentation: “Is there a product eco rating?” The answer is generally “Yes,” and there are several alternatives. Particularly suited to products aimed at consumer markets are the kind of labelling schemes listed at Eco
What is the impact of TCFD?
The question was asked recently: “What impact do you think the UK implementation of Taskforce on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reporting by 2025 for firms will have? “ My immediate answer was “I don’t know.” After more reflection, my